Y? ya se termino el calor?

parece que esta en eso...

Mi canción

A partir del dia de hoy esta pasa a ser MI canción oficial:

Estelares - Aire

(Estas buscando la canción? Fijate aca)

hice todo lo posible por seguir
cambie el color de mis ojos por marfil ahahh
acostumbrado a mentir
acostumbrado a reir

van mil dias que no se lo que decir
sin ideas de buenos aires a junin ahahh

oyendo letras de folk
leyendo un libro de amor

te busque pues cada vez que te encontre
y en tus ojos no vi brillos como aquellos ahahh

el show en "El Quinto Bar"
cuando me viste cantar

y el verano trajo luces sobre el mar
y entendi que hay mil maneras de dar ahahh
aunque no te haya hecho bien
a mi manera te ame

no soy el tipo que parezco ser
no soy el tipo que tu crees ver
se que no es facil para mi ser yo
ah ahh.. ah aaah...

no hay una sola razon para sufrir
las cosas siguen su curso como el Rin ahahh
el rio no tiene fin
sigue su vida en el mar
y hoy estas radiante como Nueva York
y yo estoy pensando en otro lugar...

no tengo nada que hacer
esto no da para mas
no tengo nada que hacer
esto no da para mas
esto no da para mas


Por si fuera poco...

Cada vez que escuche esta canción me voy a acordar de Florencia la amiga de Guada y Pequi... Aunque no creo que se entere nunca..

Los Fantasmas del Caribe - Muchacha Triste

Cuando la vi me enamoré, me enamoré como por vez primera
Con ella sí mi amor sembré, e iluminé con luz de primavera.
Era tan linda, más linda que una estrella
Sus ojos bellos, mi corazón aún cautivan
Hey, tú, muchacha triste, ven, dame un beso, eso (ah)

Le quise hablar y me acerqué, no sé porqué pero temblé al verla
Pálida flor, me sonrió, mas su sonrisa era como una pena.

Era tan linda, más linda que una estrella
Sus ojos bellos, mi corazón aún cautivan
Hey, tú, muchacha triste, ven, dame un beso, eso

Ayer pasé por su balcón y la esperé como la vez primera
Ayer me habló, me dio una flor y supe que no volvería a verla

Era tan linda, más linda que una estrella
Sus ojos bellos, mi corazón aún cautivan
Hey, tú, muchacha triste, ven, dame un beso, eso (ah)

Una de cal y otra de arena

Fey - Azucar Amargo

Algo quieres esconder
que no se que es
y ya me hace daño
por favor no pongas entre tu y yo
dudas que por hoy
puedan separarnos
Contestame, aunque duela
dime por que
no te brillan igual que ayer
las pupilas cuando me miras
Mientes, te conozco bien
esta claro que
algo esta cambiando
Habla, no huyas de mi
a quemarropa ya di
que es lo que te tiene asi
visiblemente agitado
En el altar de mi credo
nada, nadie me importa mas
que la musica de tus labios
Eres azucar amargo
delirio y pecado
un cofre de sorpresas
llegas me besas y
Eres azucar amargo
un angel un diablo
maldito embustero
solo siento, que te estoy
Odio, tener que ser yo
quien te obligue a dar
ese primer paso
Si es que hay alguien aparte
de mi
ahora mismo y aqui
cortamos en sano
Me deshare por dentro me
de dolor pero no dare
por pararte ni un solo paso
Eres azucar amargo
delirio y pecado
un cofre de sorpresas
llegas me besas y
Eres azucar amargo
un angel un diablo
el hombre que quiero
pero siento que ya no te
En el altar de mi credo
siempre has sido el mejor
el mas
el espejo en el que me miro
Eres azucar amargo
un angel un diablo
maldito embustero
como duele saber que te
Eres azucar amargo
un angel un diablo
maldito embustero
como suele saber que te

Basta por hoy.

Auténticos Decadentes - Somos

Auténticos Decadentes - Somos


Coming back to life

Después de pagar unos 8 peajes (hubo uno que lo pagamos 3 veces a la ida) y 4 horas de andar llegamos al cumpleaños de Santiago en la quinta del tio en Bella Vista. Gaby, Quique, Manu y yo.
Después del cumple nos fuimos a la fiesta que había en el Club Regatas de Bella Vista. Conocimos alguna gente linda, buena y simpatica. Y nos encontramos con viejos (?) amigos bolsoneros, estaban Tork y Fran Orive.
La verdad que hacía mucho que no lo pasaba tan bien en una fiesta, con decir que llegué a casa a las 7:30... Una noche para recordar y repetir (?).

Gaby, yo, quique y Manu |||| Gaby y Mariano |||| Yo y Fran

Para destacar: la música de la fiesta en Regatas, hacía mucho que no estaba en una fiesta que pasaran cumbia de la buena, de mi época (?).

Quiero aprender a hacer esto:


Repudio (I)

Repudio la NO venta de entradas generales a no-socios para el partido Estudiantes Vs. Colón.

El cómo? del dia (I)

How to Start a Conversation With Someone on the Train, Bus or Subway

Como empezar una conversacion con alguien desconocido en un colectivo, tren o subte.

Logan said:

In this short, brutal life, you gotta seize any opportunity you can to celebrate.

Dark Angel || Season 1 - Episode 04 - "C.R.E.A.M."


Complemento del post anterior


Los secretos de las estrellas

Nadie es perfecto. Nos sentimos acomplejadas por tener la nariz grande, la boca pequeña, los pies feos o no tener pecho, pero las más admiradas también tienen fallos.
Uma Thurman tiene los ojos saltones, Scarlett Johansson sufre de piel de naranja, Barbra Streisand los ojos demasiado juntos, y Halle Berry tiene seis dedos en los pies.

EDIT: foto eliminada porque me resultaba perturbadora.

Hermosas imperfecciones

A pesar de que la mayoría han pasado por el bisturí, continúan con defectillos que a todas acomplejan y que no siempre tienen remedio con la cirugía. Es el caso de la actriz española Penélope Cruz, quien prácticamente carece de separación entre el labio y la nariz.

Otra que no puede hacer nada contra una de las partes de su cuerpo es la actriz Jennifer Aniston que luce una cara demasiado cuadrada. Su compañera Tori Spelling, hija del productor recientemente fallecido Aaron Spelling, tiene la cara demasiado alargada, en cambio.

La musa de Sofía Coppola, Scarlett Johansson, no puede acabar con la celulitis que inunda sus piernas, y Nicole Kidman no tiene pecho, es completamente plana. Al igual que a Johansson le pasa a la actriz Kate Winslet, que muestra unos muslos desproporcionadamente gruesos para su ya ancha constitución.

Barbra Streisand tiene un ojo a la virulé que la hace parecer bizca y Uma Thurman debe maquillarse para disimular sus ojos saltones, responsables de que la actriz no se encuentre entre las más deseadas por los hombres.

La boca, entre los defectos más comunes

En cuanto a las bocas de las famosas, gran parte de ellas dejan mucho que desear, las que no son demasiado pequeñas se pasan por el otro extremo. Las hay sobreoperadas, con feas dentaduras o encías muy prominentes. Así le ocurre a la bella modelo Inés Sastre, imagen de la firma de cosméticos Lancôme, quien cuando sonríe deja al descubierto su talón de Aquiles, unas encías dignas de un equino.

La esposa de Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, tiene la boca demasiado pequeña en comparación con sus rellenitas mejillas según un experto visagista. Lo contrario le pasa a Angelina Jolie o Julia Roberts, que son poseedoras de bocas que más que eso parecen buzones de correos.

También las hay demasiado operadas en el panorama de las bellas. Se pasaron con el colágeno la top Esther Cañadas y la actriz Melanie Griffith.

La nariz, otro de los puntos débiles


La icónica Sarah Jessica Parker sigue orgullosa de su apéndice nasal de desproporcionadas medidas, como Barbra Streisand.

Además, la mayoría de las famosas pecan de extrema delgadez. Víctimas de esta obsesión tan desfavorecedora son Keira Knightley, que en el ultimo año ha perdido más de cinco kilos o la protagonista de la serie americana O.C., Misha Barton.

Otro de los grandes complejos de las bellas es la estatura y es que no todas son altas y despampanantes, algunas de las más deseadas son muy bajitas. Winona Ryder, Eva Longoria y Salma Hayek son las que más deben estirar el cuello para hablar con sus interlocutores.

Por otro lado, muchas son poseedoras de manos de vieja y otras aborrecen sus pecas, como le ocurre a la niña prodigio Lindsay Lohan y le pasaba en el pasado a la australiana Nicole Kidman, que gracias a la cirugía las ha conseguido erradicar de su faz.

Fuente: Camila

Las 25 mujeres más sensuales

Dijo La Nacion-> Como lo hace todos los años, la reconocida revista para hombres "Playboy" eligió a las 25 diosas del espectáculos más sensuales. La lista está encabezada por Scarlett Johansson, una bella actriz "libre de silicona".

La revista indica que "Scarlett es ejemplo de sensualidad y belleza, desde su piel de porcelana, su femenina figura y su misterioso carisma".

Pero el hecho de liderar esa prestigiosa lista no significa que Scarlett Johansson haya decidido enseñar todos sus encantos en la revista de Hugh Hefner. De momento no ha dicho ni que si, ni que no.

La lista completa

  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Christina Aguilera
  • Pussycat Dolls
  • Pamela Anderson
  • Lindsay Lohan
  • Beyoncé Knowles
  • Denise Richards
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Jessica Alba
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Carmen Electra
  • Paris Hilton
  • Jenna Jameson
  • Charisma Carpenter
  • Jenny McCarthy
  • Kara Monaco
  • Willa Ford
  • Diora Baird
  • Mercedes McNab
  • Cindy Margolis
  • Joanna Krupa
  • Jaime Pressly
  • Kelly Monaco
  • Vida Guerra.

Scarlett Johansson - Christina Aguilera - Beyoncé Knowles


Tongue splitting


What is tongue splitting?

"Split tongue", "tongue forking", "forked tongue", "lizard tongue", and so on are all terms for tongue splitting, the central bifurcation of the tongue. To put it simply, the tongue is cut down the middle, and is induced to heal in that state, leaving a forked tongue.

Generally speaking, no major change is made to the tongue and no tissue is actually removed. The median fibrous septum that centrally divides the tongue is cut, separating the two lateral halves of the tongue. Done carefully, very little damage should be done in the process.

What are the benefits of tongue splitting?

On a quantitative level the benefits are probably none. It's hard to come up with a solid objective reason but, really, we can say that not only about most bod mod activities, but most elective activities that humans undertake in general.

At its most base, tongue splitting is cool. It looks neat. It feels neat to have in your mouth. It's fun to just flip the halves around. In the erotic arena, the benefits, with practice, should be obvious for both men and women — although like most body modification activities, it's not a silver bullet. If you're "good" it can make you better by giving you a better tool, but if you don't know what you're doing it's not going to instantly solve your problems.

Many people as well report on the spiritual benefits of tongue splitting. It's very hard to explain; it's one of those "you just had to be there" stories. To put it simply, the tongue is one of the most immense nervous structures in your body. We have incredibly fine control over it and we receive massive feedback from it. When you dramatically alter its structure and free yourself of the physical boundaries your biology imposes, in some people it triggers a larger freeing on a spiritual level.

Does tongue splitting have a historical basis?

Absolutely — tongue splitting, to some a pinnacle of "Khechari Mudra" practices, is a part of Hatha and Kumbhaka yoga where the tongue is split and then "milked" until it is long enough to be turned back inside the mouth and flipped up to the epiglottis. It then is used in breathing excercises, the goal being to seal the body's energy leaks and become aware of only the internal thus entering a catatonic state, crossing back and forth between death and life (note that Westernized versions often omit, and even censor, the splitting).

Yogis that practice these rites believe that it allows them to be absorbed "into God" (that is, becoming conjoined with the universal soul, an experience that is also common in suspension and other body rites).

In addition, Kaliya and other characters in Hindu mythology are depicted as having split tongues, as are characters (often evil) in various other faiths. Most obviously, Christian mythology bestows a forked tongue upon Satan.

What is the modern history of tongue splitting?

While many of us in the body modification community had heard "friend of a friend" rumors, it wasn't until mid 1997 that confirmed photos and articles were published, including a man in Italy that had his dentist do it, Dustin (featured in Fakir Musafar's Body Play) who split her own tongue, Tim Cridland (the Torture King) who'd also done his own, and Erik Sprague (the Lizardman) and myself who were split by an oral surgeon. In 1997 several dozen more people had the procedure done, and by 1998 it was snowballing. By 2000 it had become almost commonplace, as heavy mods go.

Is there a downside to tongue splitting?

Short of immediate risks involved in the procedure itself, the only downside to tongue splitting is that small-minded people in the mainstream may be afraid of it and lash out in obvious negative ways at proponents of tongue splitting.

What are the risks of the tongue splitting procedure?

Assuming the procedure is done by a doctor the risks are negligible and complications that arise in a controlled medical environment can typically be dealt with easily. Doctors will provide you with paperwork explaining the secondary risks such as reactions to anesthesia and so on.

If doing the procedure outside of a controlled medical environment, loss of blood is the single largest risk. The tongue contains major blood vessels, and without proper training and tools, amateur practitioners may find themselves unable to control blood loss. In these situations a visit to the hospital emergency room is not at all unheard of.

Damage to nerves and glands in the tongue is also possible, although unlikely if the split is not extremely deep and remains centered. Care must also be taken not to accidentally damage glands in the base of the mouth.

Infection and scarring are certainly possible as well, but they are very rare.

Is speech affected?

Once the split is healed there should be essentially no change in speech. Some people report a very minor lisp, although it tends to be so negligible that only those who are very acquainted with you will notice. Only in the most extreme (deep) tongue splits is there a noticeable lisp, and I have never come in contact with anyone who reports speech artifacts that have degraded their ability to communicate.

Is taste or eating affected?

Barring the extremely unlikely possibility of nerve damage, taste should not be affected in any way. Taste buds regenerate weekly, and their basic layout is not affected by the split, nor are any of their nerve pathways. In addition, the formation of the bolus does not appear to be affected by tongue splitting.

Is tongue splitting reversible?

By removing the skin on the inside of the split and then suturing the tongue back together, it can be induced to "go back to normal". I know of no one who has willingly undergone such a procedure, although it has been forced on some people by new military regulations in the United States. Tongue splitting reversal is far more painful than splitting and takes far longer to heal and seems more prone to complications.

Because of scarring and other damage done during the reversal operation, permanent damage to tongue mobility is not unheard of, leaving a shortened and narrowed tongue that is not as nimble, which of course damages speech and other activities. In addition, nerve damage from the reversal procedure is more likely than from the initial split and there have been reports of damage to both touch and taste sensations in tongue splitting reversal procedures.

Reversing a tongue splitting is strongly discouraged — don't split your tongue if you think you might have to reverse it in the future.

Who can do a tongue splitting for me?

The three choices are having a surgeon do it for you, having a non-medical practitioner do it for you, or doing it yourself. In my opinion having a surgeon do it should be considered your best option, although if you are seeking the modification for self-discovery purposes, you may find doing it yourself extremely rewarding.

What are some of the methods used for tongue splitting?

The four primary methods are tie-off, scalpelled, cautery, and lasered.

Tie-off is where the future split is compressed with increasingly tight loops of thread, slowly cutting through over a period of days or weeks. Scalpelled splits are cut using a scalpel or other blade, and potentially followed up using a cautery tool to control bleeding. In other cases a cautery tool may used to perform the cut itself, essentially branding the tongue in half. Lasered tongue splits, almost exclusively the territory of medical professionals, use a surgical laser to relatively bloodlessly split the tongue in half.

How is a tie-off tongue splitting performed?

A tight loop is tied, parallel to the split along the center of the tongue, so one end of the loop rests on the front inside of a central tongue piercing and the other end rests on the front/central tip of the tongue. This should be tied as tight as possible and tightened as time goes by. It will slowly work its way through the tongue, hopefully leaving a split tongue in its wake.

A majority of people who undertake this method give up part way through. It requires a high degree of pain tolerance over an extended period of time. The glands in and around the tongue tend to swell and speech and eating are usually affected during the splitting. Many people opt to snip through the last part of the tongue using a blade.

How is a scalpelled tongue splitting performed?

To put it simply, the tongue is split down the middle using a blade. This is generally very bloody and this bleeding can be difficult to control. Many practitioners choose to use cautery either from electrocautery pens to control bleeders, or by using traditional branding tools. Others use chemical or herbal means to control bleeding and to assist in healing.

Prior to the split, many practitioners insist on a well healed large gauge tongue piercing being in place. If there is no existing piercing of this type, a large gauge piercing is often made by performing a piercing using a #11 scalpel along the grain of the muscle, followed by a taper and 2ga or 0ga jewelry. That should heal within a month or so, setting a good foundation for the split.

Other practitioners choose to use a "clamp and cut" method similar to the home meatotomy technique, although it is definitely not that common. Using a long clamp, the tissue to be split is compressed to paper thin and left that way for 45 minutes. When the clamp is removed, the cut is made along the center of this compressed tissue with the hope that it will provide a "seal", minimizing or eliminating bleeding.

How is a cautery tongue splitting performed?

A cautery tongue splitting is similar to a scalpelled tongue splitting, but a heated blade or tool is used to burn the split through the tongue, hopefully cauterizing the tongue in the process, eliminating bleeding. This technique of course also has a great deal of potential to do peripheral damage, and may be outrageously painful.

How is a lasered tongue splitting performed?

After applying anesthesia, using a laser the practitioner will first create a guideline along the top and bottom of the tongue. They'll then slowly cut through the tissue until the tongue is fully bifurcated, cauterizing the wound as it cuts — this is usually about a fifteen minute process at most. In general there is little to no blood during this stage. The only bleeding tends to be during the suturing, which of course pierces uncauterized tissue.

Which method should I use? Which is best?

Officially I strongly urge people to seek the assistance of a legally qualified medical professional. That said, there are benefits to each method. All I can tell you is educate yourself fully and make your decision with a clear head. Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't be afraid to tell someone you're not comfortable with having them work on you.

Is suturing important?

Suturing pulls the top skin of the tongue down into the split, leaving a more "natural" and rounded appearance that many people prefer. While similar healing often occurs without suturing, in other cases a non-sutured tongue may heal with a somewhat "flat" inside that looks artificial rather than natural.

How painful is tongue splitting?

Tongue splitting, both on a procedural level, and the first 48 hours of healing can be exceptionally painful, pain being a relative thing of course. When done by a surgeon pain control medication will be prescribed and anesthesia will be used for the procedure.

How long does tongue splitting take to heal?

Tongue splitting takes about as long to heal as tongue piercing does. Primary healing (where you can talk and eat relatively normally) takes between one and two weeks, and full healing is usually complete within one month.

Can I control both halves separately and independently?

Both halves of a tongue split contain distinct muscle groups that, from an anatomical and nervous point of view are separate and thus can be controlled independently. The degree of control is largely related to practice. Some people have independent control naturally and others have to spend a lot of time in front of a mirror before they master it — it's like learning to wiggle your nose.

How far back can the tongue be split?

The tongue can in theory be split back to where it meets the base of the mouth. Attempting to split past that would endanger muscles that really shouldn't be split, as well as glandular structures in the area. Note again that once the tongue is split to approaching this point that there will be some speech artifacts, usually minor.

Is tongue splitting permanent?

Some re-growth (where the tongue slowly heals back together) is normal, and in the case of short (1/2" or less) splits, total closure is not unheard of. Even in deeper splits, if care is not taken to combat re-growth, 50% closure is not uncommon.

What can I do to stop re-growth?

To put it simply, keep the wound open and it will heal open. The smooth body of a cotton swab can prove useful for this task. It should be done regularly — the body heals much faster than you'd think. In addition to the re-growth that will occur during the initial healing, there will be some closure over the first year or so. Short of re-cutting, there's not a lot that can be done to stop that.

Many people have found that using a well healed large gauge (4ga - 0ga usually) tongue piercing can act as a anchor for the split. Because the piercing is surrounded by solid tissue that does not by nature want to seal itself, if this tongue piercing marks the rear of the tongue split, closure may be all but eliminated.


Funny Picture (IV)

Squashed kid.

Las mejores vacaciones de mi vida!! (IV)

El gusa haciendo la mortal para atras en una plataforma de 6 metros en el CLub Cipolletti.

Martin y Juan tirando abajo un ciruelo seco para el asado del cumple de Ro.

Pedro haciendo la mortal para atras, la foto del verano.

Las mejores vacaciones de mi vida!! (III)

Siguen las fotos:

El cumple Ro - Tere - Lucia, Benita, Tere, Marcos, Tom, Amalí, Jus, Cori y Salva

Gorgeous, churros para 28(?) personas.

El tío y martin en bici - Casi todos - Casi todos

Ro y yo - Fran, yo, Pedro, Lu, Dolo, Benita, Lucia, Ana Lila, Cori, Migue, Jus y Marcos - Luis, Fran, yo, Pedrito, Lu y Jor

Fotos de riesgo.

Fotos de riesgo.

Las mejores vacaciones de mi vida!! (II)

Como Juán se había olvidado el cargador del celular y nosotros no habíamos tenido suficientes vacaciones ya (?), volvimos a neuquen del 10 al 18 de Febrero. Esta vez toda la flia, con mi papa y con Martin que la vez anterior se habían quedado.
Esta es la crónica (?) del viaje:
Capítulo I
Capítulo II
Capítulo III
Capítulo VI
Capítulo V
Capítulo VI
Capítulo VII
Capítulo VIII
Capítulo IX
Capítulo X

Y aca algunas fotos que no entraron en las crónicas:

Volviendo del dique.

En el club Cipolletti.

Rescatando a Juan de abajo de un camión.

Algunos kilometros de camiones esperando para cruzar el puente de Cipolletti a Neuquen.

Martin, Pedro, Salva, Juan y Lu.
Todas mis fotos en Flickr
pincharrata. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr